‘Bye Bye Baby - A Celebration of Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons’ was the first show created by Ryzer Mullins Productions in 2013, and features four singers starring as Valli, Tommy DeVito, Nick Massi and Bob Gaudio. Accompanied by a 4-piece band, the show follows the trials and successes of Frankie Valli and the four seasons told through their music and engaging narrative.
December ’63 (Oh What A Night), Beggin’, Sherry, Walk Like A Man, Opus 17, Why Do Fools Fall in Love, and Grease are just some of the hits that are performed by this sensational band. New additions for 2017 include Northern Soul classic, ‘The Night’, and the Four Seasons version of the Beatles classic, ‘We Can Work It Out’.
“We’re thrilled to be introducing our take on the story of Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons to so many audiences around the UK and beyond.It’s a thrill to see theatre audiences up on their feet at the end of the show – bring your dancing shoes!”
"Fantastic Show” – Rave Review South Africa
“Superb” – The Reviews Hub
Audiences have loved their combination of precise harmony singing and slick original choreography, making this the perfect night out for fans of Frankie Valli and his music.
So dust off your dancing shoes and book your tickets HERE for a great night out. Oh what a Night!....
At Millfield Theatre on Saturday 6th April