Ever considered Work Experience with us.... find out what Karen thought.
By Karen (Year 10 Student).
My first week of work experience at Millfield house has been amazing. As a year 10 GCSE media student I chose to work in the marketing department. The staff where friendly welcoming and they taught me general work place skills aswell as marketing techniques.I created posts which were used for Millfield Theatre, Forty Hall and The Dugdale's social media Facebook and Instagram posts . I then leant how and posted these, this was one of the highlights of the week as I really enjoyed it. I then worked with them to create Valentine's Day and Mother's Day ideas which can then be sent via email... so if you are signed up to the email mailing list I hope you enjoy reading them. Overall I learnt many useful skills within a short time thanks to the woderfull staff who were patient , kind and fun!
Thank you for all the hard work! We wish Karen all the best with the rest of her studies!